Ambiguous Time Period: It's not clear when exactly the game takes place.Is Huggy Wuggy chasing you because it's evil? Or is it part of the security system Leith Pierre warns you about and merely taking care of an intruder? Or does it just really want to squeeze you until you pop?.really written by their missing colleagues?

Was the letter that prompts the MC to return to Playtime Co.Chapter 2 does seem to be leaning towards her being the Big Good, though. Ambiguously Evil: As the protagonist has only just met Poppy at the end of Chapter 1 and all she says is "You opened my case", it's uncertain whether she'll be the Big Bad, the Big Good, or neither.Always a Bigger Fish: Towards the end of Chapter 2, a spindly metal hand crawls out from beneath a door to collect what remains of Mommy Long Legs.You have Poppy Playtime, Boogie Bot, Candy Cat. Alliterative Name: Seems to be a theme with Playtime toys.This gives you a chance to learn the new swinging mechanic in a safe environment before the game starts requiring you to do it in more challenging or stressful scenarios. This small gap is very shallow and has an easy way back so you can try again if you fall down. Antepiece: The very first puzzle of Chapter 2 is crossing a short gap by using your GrabPack on a bar to swing across it.She might have gone through this even before that, as her maintenance tape has the words "LET ME GO" spelled out repeatedly in a Freeze-Frame Bonus as a bloody voicebox is being pulled out of her neck by tweezers. You freeing her is the main reason she decides to help you in Chapter 2. And I Must Scream: Poppy was trapped in the case you find her in for years, with no way of escaping or calling for help.Makes you shiver thinking what awaits you in this factory that is even more deadly and horrifying that has Mommy quaking in her boots. Made even sadder when she expresses horror at the thought of being "part of him" after her death. She cries out in complete agony as she's slowly pulled into a grinder after getting one of her limbs caught in it. Very apparent with Mommy Long Legs's death.After being experimented on, having their humanity taken away, and being abandoned in the factory for over a decade, it's no wonder most of them went insane. It's easy to forget that Playtime Co.'s products, specifically their mascots, were once regular people until being kidnapped and made into unwilling test subjects.She is heavily implied to be the first success, and unfortunately one of many. She is a human being who has been turned into a doll, either by science, witchcraft, or both. A discarded voice line in the files has Poppy going much deeper into what happened at the factory. (beat) Just like you.", it could be considered foreshadowing, and the fact that Huggy Wuggy and Mommy Long Legs, which seem to be the same as Poppy in terms of being toys brought to life, bleed when you defeat them, implying they could be organic. However, given that her initial introduction is a tape where she literally says "I'm a real girl. Poppy may have been created with actual AI, so she could have real conversations with her owner. Even if there is still electricity, some areas are in need of repairs to progress further. Once you enter it at the start of the game, it's naturally in really rough shape, with its cute, cartoony aesthetic having given way to obvious decay and evidence of plenty of chaos before that. factory was abandoned and presumably just left boarded up. Abandoned Area: Owing to an incident where its staff mysteriously disappeared 10 years before the present day, the Playtime Co.